Gloves at show

Tonight opens the show with Lost and Found, the movie of the gloves. If you are in Brussels, please come and see!! read more…

Experiment with showing the rushes

On january 26, I opened my shop at arts centre Recyclart and showed rushes of Lost and Found, the gloves movie. I had decided to show the rushes already filmed on different TV screens, grouped by storyline. read more…

Glove experience – filming stop-motion

The glove experience continues. For almost two months I used a shop at Recyclart, a Brussels art center. read more…

Gloves gloves gloves

This winter I make a small deviation from the Primitives project. I do gloves. I try to collect as many lost  gloves as possible. You can help me by sending or bringing gloves. read more…

animeren van de dans

Ik heb geprobeerd de ontspannen dorpsplein- dans uit de vorige post na te bootsen. Hierbij het ruwe materiaal; ik werk nog aan een montage waarin de figuren in mijn stad verschijnen. read more…

trying to animate the dance

From the video in the previous post, I tried to copy the laid-back dancing. I still am working on a montage to have them dance in my city.  read more…

Saartjie Baartman – “La Vénus Noire”

Saartjie Baartman was a Southafrican San or Hottentot. She was displayed at London and Paris freakshows, from 1810 to 1815. Five years after her arrival, she died. The famous anthropologist, director of the Musée de l’Homme Georges Cuvier was very quick to claim her corpse. He took great care putting her brains, genitals and buttocks in jars with formalin, but he did not care to find out what caused her death. This way, he finally got a hold on her genitals, which she refused to show during her lifetime. read more…

Ota Benga, the pygmy in the zoo

Throughout the years many of these stories crossed my path.

Of Ota Benga, for example, a Mbuti pygmy from Congo who travelled to the US with the reverend dr. Samuel Phillips Verner to be exhibited at the 1904 Saint Louis Fair.

Phillips Verner Bradford, historian and grandson of the reverend-explorer, wrote the book ‘Ota Benga, the pygmee in the zoo. One man’s degradation in Turn-of-the-Century Amerika,’ in which he took a dive into the archives to retrieve Ota Benga’s path. The story is amazing. read more…